Geometry Dash Fan Wiki
Insane WARNING: This level contains intense flashes and bright lights. If you have epilepsy or any other eye conditions, watching a video of this level is strictly advised against. Safety first!

What a wild night!


Ecstasy is a 2.1 Extreme Demon created, verified, and published by SleyGD. The level is known to be one of the most flashy levels to be released, so much so that the level is on par with Killbot with the amount of flashiness involved. It is currently in the Legacy List of the Geometry Dash Demonlist.


  • 0-9%: The level starts with a brief moment where the player can hit a trigger orb that reduces the amount of flashiness before they begin the level. Afterward, the player is slightly launched onto a platform where they need to jump into two pink orbs before performing a tight wave spam. Next, the player must fall onto a platform where they proceed to jump onto a pink orb that leads into a dash orb. This dash orb sends the player into a robot portal, and then the player needs to jump onto two platforms before hitting a pink dash orb that leads into two orbs, those being a blue orb and a yellow orb. Then, the player must jump off of another platform to hit the pink dash orb up ahead, and this will eventually cause the player to become a cube and soon after hit an line of orbs. This line of orbs features two green orbs, a blue orb, two pink orbs, and a dash orb. After the dash orb, the player is slightly launched into an abundance of blocks where the player simply needs to hold. This eventually leads to another wave spam, a cube jump, and a pink orb timing.
  • 9-22%: After the pink orb timing, there lies a ship section. Instantly, the player is slightly launched into a pink dash orb before being excessively projected into a green orb that leads into a blue orb. Then, the player must fly downwards a bit to become big-sized and to hit a pink dash orb. After the player holds onto the dash orb for a bit, they must enter two different gravity portals before becoming mini-sized again and having to hit two green orbs, both being separated by a brief straight fly. The second green orb leads into another green orb that takes the player down into a red orb. Then, the player must time a fall onto a yellow pad, and this yellow pad shoots the player up into a big-sized portal which is immediately proceeded by two yellow orbs and a straight fly. The straight fly is concluded with a green orb that leads the player into a teleportation portal that converts the player into normal gravity. Next, the player must hit a dash orb that leads into a green orb, perform a downward straight fly, another green orb, and perform another somewhat precise straight fly.
  • 22-35%: The level proceeds to show a brief cutscene that features some text that reads, "IT'S GETTING WILDER" which leads into a cube/robot section. Once again, the player is slightly projected into two blue orbs that lead into a jump followed by two black orb timings. After the second black orb timing, the player must jump twice to proceed to double-click a large green orb. The green orb leads the player into a robot portal, where the player must instantly jump twice before hitting a blue orb and falling onto a pink dash orb. The pink dash orb casts the player into a cube portal where the player now has to fall onto two different platforms before jumping twice and hitting three green orbs. Then, the player is launched into a green orb timing, a black orb timing, and a red orb timing. The red orb timing leads into a very brief automatic segment that ends off with a black orb timing, a green orb timing, and a blue orb timing. Afterward, the player needs to jump into a green orb that takes the player to a blue pad that leads into a blue orb followed by a jump. The jump proceeds to lead the player into another green orb, a pink dash orb, a green orb once again, another jump, and a somewhat difficult black orb timing.
  • 35-48%: Similar to the previous section, this following section begins with a transition that reads, "KEEP GOING" and the player is instantly thrown into a ship section. First, the player must fall onto a pink dash orb before hitting a yellow orb that leads into a brief straight fly. The brief straight fly concludes with a green orb that sends the player down into a slope which then slightly projects the player into a teleportation portal. The player then must proceed to perform a simple normal-gravity straight fly before hitting a yellow orb that sends the player into a big-sized portal. Then, after performing another brief straight fly, the player gets teleported downwards and now has to make their way upwards to hit a dash orb. After hitting the dash orb, the player becomes mini-sized again, and now they must fly upwards into an anti-gravity portal before hitting a dash orb that leads into a slope. The slope will project the player into a normal-gravity portal, a yellow orb, and an anti-gravity portal. Next, the player must hit a green orb that leads into two different gravity portals. After the second gravity portal, the player must fly through a small opening before hitting another green orb and falling downwards into a teleportation portal. Then, the player must hit three orbs (those being one blue orb and two pink orbs) before turning big-sized, being put in anti-gravity, and leaving the ship section.
  • 48-62%: The following section is entirely in the wave game mode. The player must traverse through many tight spaces and spam-based corridors while simultaneously going through many size portals on their way. This full-wave section ends off with a decently long spam segment that increasingly gets more difficult as it goes along.
  • 62-94%: The rest of the level is filled with a profoundly complex dual section with many bright flashes every few seconds. It starts with both cubes being lightly shot into a black orb. The top cube proceeds to become a robot while the bottom cube must swiftly hit two orbs. Soon afterward, the robot must hit a black orb and a dash orb before becoming a cube again. Then, the bottom cube must time a jump which leads into four pink orb timings and a black orb. Next, both cubes automatically become big-sized once again, and they are launched into two separate condensed corridors; the bottom corridor contains two ball timings while the top corridor contains two cube jumps where the cube hits the ceiling both times. Then, after the cube becomes a robot and the ball becomes a cube, the cube must jump into a green orb that leads into a platform. Meanwhile, the robot simply needs to jump twice before landing on the same platform. After a brief automatic segment, both cubes are lightly launched into three pink orb timings and two jumps. The second jump leads both cubes into two yellow orbs, which shoots the player into a precise wave-spam. Then, the top cube proceeds to fall into a mini-sized portal and the player needs to jump off of a slope where both cubes align to hit a black orb. Next, both cubes become big-sized once again, and now both of them need to jump into a pink orb (one for each) before falling onto three platforms and jumping into a yellow orb. Afterward, both cubes proceed to become robots and now the player simply needs to perform a single jump before the top robot hits a cube portal which is instantly followed by a mini-sized portal. While both icons are the same gravity, both icons need to jump twice to hit the cube portal and the mini-sized portal up ahead. After falling for a quick moment, the player needs to time a red orb to launch both cubes into a ball portal which is directly on top of a big-sized portal. While both balls are still in the air, the player needs to wait a bit before hitting a black orb which sends both balls down into two mini-sized portals. However, the bottom ball is the only one to hit a yellow pad. While the bottom ball is flying in the air, the top one must fall onto a blue orb which proceeds to flip the gravity of both balls, therefore causing the bottom ball to fly upwards into a cube portal. Then, the player must jump off a platform which causes the bottom ball to align with the cube. After waiting for a slight bit amount of time, both icons are projected into a green orb which causes both icons to fall onto another platform. Finally, both icons become cubes again. Both cubes proceed to fall onto two separate platforms where they both are required to be launched and to land onto slightly elevated platforms. Then, the bottom cube proceeds to fall onto a red pad while the top cube must jump into a pink orb. Afterward, the top cube must fling itself into the air from a large slope and go through a normal-gravity portal. After the top cube hits the normal-gravity portal, both cubes take turns jumping around multiple times. This ends off with a black orb and a jump into a mini-sized portal. Next, the player needs to precisely time a jump into two yellow orb timings before becoming big-sized again. Both cubes proceed to get slightly launched into the air from different methods (the top cube uses a single pink pad while the bottom cube uses a slope) before they become mini-sized and fall into a pink orb (one for each). The cubes then become big-sized and must perform an extremely precise pink orb timing.
  • 94-100%: The level concludes with the end screen, which simply contains the name of the level, SleyGD's name (abbreviated to Sley), and the dedications of the level: Para, Durian, Heather, and Bagingi.


  • This level is free to copy.
  • The level was rated on November 17, 2020.
  • This level contains 106,294 objects.
  • The level is 1m 27s in length.
  • It was first placed at #146 on the Demonlist on December 13, 2020, above ATMarbl (#147) and below Hateful Reflection (#145).
    • This addition to the Demonlist knocked Idols into the Legacy List.
  • The placement of Timor on January 10, 2021, knocked Ecstasy into the Legacy List of the Demonlist.




The verification of Ecstasy. Credits to SleyGD.
