Geometry Dash Fan Wiki
Insane WARNING: This level contains intense flashes and bright lights. If you have epilepsy or any other eye conditions, watching a video of this level is strictly advised against. Safety first!

Not to be confused with Golden Hope by Magpipe.

bugfix :)


Golden Hope is a 1.9/2.0 solo Hard Demon level created, verified and published by Terron. It is a remake of Nine Circles and is nicknamed 'MLG Circles' by most players due to its music and the 'Faze' clan logo at the beginning of the wave section. After Update 2.1, because of a problem with a hitbox bug, the player would crash at 31% while taking the gravity portal. It was extremely difficult but was still possible to pass by clicking lightly after the teleportation portal to miss the gravity portal. This bug has since been fixed. The level was a full 1.9 level until the creator changed it to a 2.0 level after the Newgrounds audio moderation team removed the original song.


The level starts with a tricky cube section that contains numerous fake lines, an abundance of orbs and gears, and moving objects, as of the 2.0 update of the level.

Then, the player will enter a moderately challenging ship sequence, similar to most of the Nine Circles levels. The ship sequence can be cleared with good timing.

Then, the player enters a ball segment that resembles most other Nine Circles levels. The ball segment is not difficult but contains clusters of orbs; some are fake.

The player will enter a partially auto-cube segment with a cluster of blue and pink pads. Then, the player enters half-speed, after which the beat drops.

When the beat drops, a triple-speed wave segmItThis also uses a coloured square block.

The wave path covers the first drop and a part of the second one. The wave slows considerably in the middle, and the level becomes easier. Concurrently with the beginning of the second drop, the wave returns to triple speed.

After that, the game mode will change into a cube. Soon, the creator's name, a small auto part that uses blue pads while the object colour flashes in yellow and gold, and the word: '2.0' in a pulsing 'heart' decoration can be seen. After that, the level ends.

User coins[]

This level contains three user coins:

  • The first user coin is located in the ship section; however, the player must activate it with a key before the last yellow orb near the ship portal. The player has to hit the pink orb with crucial timing, getting the key and activating the portal. After that, the player can get the first user coin with ease.
  • The second user coin is located in the wave segment. After the mini dual wave segment. The player will meet a cluster of gravity portals. Following this, the player is in a part with clusters of coloured saw blades. The player must go up to get the second coin.
  • The third user coin is also located in the wave segment, at 79% after the last dual section before the mini-wave segment. The player must quickly go up with good timing, getting the third user coin.


  • The level is free to copy.
  • The level contains 17,670 objects.
  • The level is 1m 12s in length.
  • The level was created in 1.9 until it was updated into a 2.0 level by adding moving objects and coins.
  • The level was featured after the song was updated, and the coins were verified as well.
  • This is one of the few starred remakes to feature teleportation portals during the wave segment, along with Ultra Paracosm and Ultra Circles.
  • This level was one of the first Nine Circles levels to feature a wave section with a pulse pattern that syncs to the music (changing direction, going back and forth). However, it is extremely subtle and only noticeable if pointed out specifically. This idea would later famously be used in Bausha Vortex with further expanded detail.



MLG CIRCLES ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) - "Geometry Dash" Golden Hope (Terron)

The full walkthrough of the original version of Golden Hope. Credits to Nitroplus (formerly Danilkaz).


-GD- GOLDEN HOPE UPDATED! (Song update and coins!)

The verification of Golden Hope (update). Credits to Terron.
