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WARNING: This page or section contains content which may be inappropriate, sensitive, or offensive to some viewers. Viewer discretion is strongly advised. |
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WARNING: This level contains intense flashes and bright lights. If you have epilepsy or any other eye conditions, watching a video of this level is strictly advised against. Safety first! |
“ | Poland Core | ” |
―Janucha |
Molten Core is a 2.1 solo Extreme Demon created and published by Janucha and originally verified by ViewSonic on 16 April 2021. A nerfdate for the level was later verified by Alphanetic on 8 July 2021.[1] It is the sequel to the unrated Extreme Demon, Glacial Core. Similar to its predecessor, the level is created in the well-known Nine Circles style, as well as having a fiery theme to go along with it.
- 0-12%: The level begins with a cube part at half speed containing numerous timings other than two sharp clicks at the start in two blue orbs in spikes, then it turns into a mini-ball part at normal speed after the player goes into the mini-size portal beforehand, the player then enters a ball part that features hard timings, and then a ship part at double speed with two straight-flying parts, an auto cube part at triple speed and a robot part at quadruple speed before the drop where the player must do a big jump.
- 12-85%: Like any other Nine Circles levels, the level has its tight wave parts and frequent size and speed changes throughout the part. However, the level also has unique elements in a cube part in 27-29% that features triple spikes, two spam parts in 34-37% and 53-55%, and another cube part that features easy gameplay at 64-66%.
- 85-100%: The last cube part at normal speed features precise spike jumps and tough timings in orbs, a ball part with tight spaces and orb timings, and a ship part with flying tricks, and the last straightly at half speed before the level ends.
- The level allows copying.
- The level features 66,666 objects.
- The level's duration is 1 minute and 5 seconds.
- Originally, Molten Core was placed at #22 on the Demonlist on 31 May 2021, above kowareta (#23) and below Arctic Lights (#21).
- This change pushed Tempered Steel into the Extended List and Fusion Z into the Legacy List.
- The level's description and trees are a reference to the 2010 presidential plane crash in Smoleńsk.
- Due to the level's nerfdate, the level was lowered from #28 to #39 on 31 August 2021.
- JakeEP was the first verifier for the level but was passed to ViewSonic.
- Janucha built the sequel to this level called Toxic Core. It was verified by Baeru on 3 September 2021.
- This forms the Core trilogy featuring: Glacial Core, Molten Core as said previously, and Toxic Core.
- However, both Glacial Core and Toxic Core never made out in the Demonlist due to being unrated.
- This forms the Core trilogy featuring: Glacial Core, Molten Core as said previously, and Toxic Core.
- Molten Core was pushed into the Legacy List of the Demonlist after the placement of The Lightning Rod on 19 October 2023.
VERIFIED -- Molten Core Update!!! By Janucha
The verification of Molten Core. Credits to Alphanetic.
Main List
- Tidal Wave by OniLink
- Nullscapes by Kiba
- Avernus by PockeWindfish
- Anathema by nikrodox
- Acheron by ryamu
- Silent clubstep by Sailent
- Spectre by xander
- Tunnel of Despair by Exen
- Abyss of Darkness by Exen
- Kyouki by Demishio
- BOOBAWAMBA by akun akun
- Slaughterhouse by icedcave
- Sakupen Circles by Diamond
- KOCMOC by Cherry Team
- Menace by MannyHeffley
- Deimos by ItsHybrid
- Firework by Trick
- The Lightning Rod by Lavatrex
- poocubed by Lisp
- KOSETSU by fwe
- Saul Goodman by Renn241
- Eyes in the Water by hawkyre
- MINUSdry by CDMusic
- Solar Flare by Linear
- Belladonna by Cherry Team
- The Hallucination by SyQual
- COMBUSTION by Cersia
- LIMBO by MindCap
- Edge of Destiny by CDMusic
- Codependence by TCTeam
- Mayhem by LordVadercraft
- walter white by Renn241
- Deadlier Clubstep by HeroZombie80
- The Yangire by Dorami
- Collapse by Nexel
- The Plunge by Dolabill
- Midnight by Yuko
- Sinister Silence by Wahffle
- arcturus by maxfs
- UNKNOWN by NineDice
- BEELINE by Waffl3x
- Sonic Wave Infinity by APTeam
- Damascus by Dzeser
- Waterfall by Cherry Team
- Tartarus by Dolphy
- Jigsaw by NekonGames
- Oblivion by dice88
- Viprin UFO by hawkyre
- Coalescence by Amplitron
- The Golden by BoBoBoBoBoBoBo
- Natural Disaster by iIiLaSeRiIi
- Verdant Landscape by Nisha
- Climax by HushLC
- ORDINARY by vit12
- Delta by Drakosa
- NETWORK by Agat3
- Shukketsu by Yuko
- Terminal Rampancy by Xyriak
- Critical Heat by Zeniux
- Trueffet by SyQual
- Aerial Gleam by EndLevel
- The Paroxysm of Rage by Zacanaii
- Judgement Knights by HangerLord
- Zodiac by Bianox
- Kenos by npesta
- Hard Machine by Komp
- Esfera by SyQual
- Destruction 19 by bosjoker
- Checked Steam by gruzy
- NEUTRA by Jenkins GD
Extended List
- Scream Machine by TMco
- Keres by ItsHybrid
- Ascent by Rimexon
- Fragile by EndLevel
- Widestep by Demishio
- Crackhead Circles by AlrexX
- Lotus Flower by StarkyTheSalad
- Frost Spirit by Quavbus
- Dry Out Copyable 2 by tenzk
- Axinie by SaturMan
- Promethean by EndLevel
- Cold Sweat by para
- Thinking Space by Atomic
- qoUEO by GhostVandalf
- Renevant by nikrodox
- Lithium by L4tezk
- ConClusion by DreamZoneGD
- Instinct by Krazyman50Real
- Sky Shredder by Dorvict
- Calculator Core by Walroose
- Trotil by Cherry Team
- shimmer by Amplitron
- Crimson Planet by TrueOmega
- DIRECTIONS by ryli
- Cognition by EndLevel
- Cosmic Cyclone by APTeam
- Guideless Goobering by Enfur
- Rigel by Dan2D
- Ykds1479ymdppr by Kapycta999
- Akashic Records by VoTcHi
- RUST by neigefeu
- CORRODERE by Moosh
- Launchpad Labyrinth by Moffe
- Lucid Nightmares by CairoX
- Cobwebs by NineDice
- Coral Cave by awesomeme360
- Shardscapes by Kiba
- Amalgam by XLSpiral
- Indivine by MercuryDT
- RUTHLESS by Surjaco
- Sides Of My Mind by MaxxoRMeN
- Horros by Shrc
- Omega Interface by Platnuu
- Escape Room by SleyGD
- Ragnarok by knobbelboy
- TORN by Kyhros
- me when machine gang by akun akun
- Silent Club by Luqualizer
- SAND SAILOR by Custi
- Pandemonium by Cersia
- Descent Into Exile by GrenadeofTacos
- Neon Skyline by recillia
- The Rupture by Ka1ns
- Scrubbabingo force by akun akun
- Jupiter My Favourite by akun akun
- The Art of the Blade by mbed
- Kappa by Armadeus
- no jokes by TheParadoxTeam
- LD50 by StarkytheSalad
- Nabil Let Go by Nab
- Bloodlust by knobbelboy
- Asterios by Exen
- Excruciation Chamber by spcreat
- Jesse Pinkman by Renn241
- Terminux by VulgarisAerae
- BarbarosFinaleFinale by awesomeme360
- Twilight by Yuko
- CITRA by Varse
- Awedsy by sink
- Fog by notesxd
Legacy List
- Gracefully by DTDom
- Deimos by EndLevel
- Sazerix by Zeptrus
- Congregation by Presta
- Sigma by MindCap
- Atmos by Marwec
- Deep Bass by Wesp
- MewneI by LightiNovel
- Aronia by Exen
- untitled unmastered by para
- Pagoda by Seturan
- Moving Forward by Crohn44
- DsinK by stanstanmansan
- Pootis Engage XTREME by AAAAAlex
- IthacropoliX by BIGMAC77
- Knights of Thunder by HangerLord
- Cicatrize by Wintter
- Ploink by goobfrudla
- Violet Illusions by Enfur
- Nhelv by SrGuillester
- Gustavo Fring by Renn241
- FRIDAY by Metalface221
- Farthest Outpost by Jghost217
- Ouroboros by Viprin
- CONNECT by Mcres
- Ourwa by Demishio
- XRAY by GDSkele
- kowareta by Gablor
- Dump by GiggsRH
- Visible Ray by KrampuX
- Th3Dev0n by Zeptoz
- The Yandere by Dorami
- Arctic Lights by Metalface221
- Plasma Pulse Finale by Smokes
- Frozen Cave by TheParadoxTeam
- Fragmented by Cersia
- Dust Bowl by Iconic
- SZYSLAK by Zeniux
- REPENTLESS by Renn241
- CHROMA FINALE by Renn241
- Calamity by Awedsy
- AKIRA by Eridani
- Hardry by KuraiYonaka
- EGO KILLING by exactteam
- RAM by James
- Spectrum Cyclone by Temp
- FusionDynamix by TwisterDude161
- nevermore by EidamGD
- Kjdf8314jlfssf by Kapycta999
- CRIDIUM by 4yoet
- Fever Dream by icedcave
- Aquatic Auroras by EndLevel
- Storming Summit by Nimbus
- Shutdown by OliSW
- Requiem by Zylenox
- ConTroller by DreamZoneGD
- Mirrored Calamity by Nimbus
- Obscura by Eridani
- Sparkling by MzeroGD
- Eternal Moment by Rainstorm
- Beyond Hell by fakeblast
- Omega by MindCap
- Gamma by MindCap
- Dance of the Violins by DrayTM
- network by VanDerVals
- Power Grid by YraX
- Spacial Rend by Eclipsed
- Hyper Paracosm by ViRuZ
- of Ambrosia by Renn241
- Collect All Pets by rynoxious
- the wiener by rynoxious
- Dedohexdragon by royen
- Ryft by Dreamlight
- Cybernetic Crescent by Viprin
- Wasureta by HelpegasuS
- Macabre by ZephiroX
- Edge of the World by L4tezk
- Sink by Awedsy
- Golden Club by Zenmuron
- Molten Core by Janucha
- Loochiverse by Nerhy
- LUMINA by hechie
- Sonic Wave Rebirth by Serponge
- Sonic Wave by Sunix
- Infinite Iniquity by Flukester
- Molten Gear by knobbelboy
- Shmarley Ville by Renn241
- GONER by Nightning
- Sephiroth by Rainstorm
- Necromancer by TGI
- Iris of a Puppeteer by EternaswipVMAX
- Yatagarasu by TrusTa
- Rage by nSwish
- X0 by Mulpan
- Edge of the Blade by Eiruni
- Silentium Clavas by Xolarzz
- The Hell Nutz by TheLasaga
- Cersia Difficult by Cersia
- xo by KrmaL
- Generic Wave by Pennutoh
- Titan Complex by TCTeam
- Nunri by Szilu
- Icotact by icedcave
- Quantum Theory by HeroZombie80
- memories by ImMaxX1
- rosedynamix by rose;
- BRKMGB8GJCZ by robotchief
- Cersia Madness by Cersia
- MISFIRE by Galaxxyss
- Kuzureta by Teno
- Erebus by BoldStep
- Delebit Oblivio by TeamSmokeWeed
- Retention Rush by TheBlackHell
- The Reaper by Kyhros
- Nightshade by YakobNugget
- Sunset Sandstorm by crohn44
- Altered Ascent by Prism
- reeses potentially by SubStra
- Dark Flare by KeiAs
- Chromatic Haze by Cirtrax
- Ddiamond by Lfritz
- DubKore X by Loogiah
- Celestial Force by MindCap
- Tapwreck by MrLorenzo
- RELENTLESS by Surjaco
- ameliorate by maxis044
- Devil Vortex by Rustam
- Timor by Colorbolt
- super probably level by Alkali
- WOW by TrusTa
- ConFusion by DreamZoneGD
- Framework by Agat3
- Catalyze by ZephiroX
- Raisins by Airzyy
- Dreams by Kapycta999
- Lucid Chaos by CairoX
- Stygian Machinery by TeamE12
- Paroxysm by Lemons
- Freedom08 by Pennutoh
- Jamboree by JustJohn
- Photovoltaic II by Mazl
- The Moon Below by Onvil
- Lateral Myst by Bedrock
- Friday Vortex by Cersia
- IMAPHONE by Azuvy
- Apollo 11 by nasgubb
- inanimate INSANITY by Orange GD
- Bitcrusher by SleyGD
- Digital Descent by Viprin
- Stalemate Redux by GDTheTactiq
- TheCinnyBun by Cinny
- Cadrega City by Pennutoh
- ZAPHKIEL by Darwin
- Factory Realm X by HelpegasuS
- Springtime by VigorousGard3n
- Dole Damos by Jeyzor
- RGB by SleyGD
- Delta Interface by Platnuu
- Killbot by BoldStep
- Omicron by Proxima
- Tempered Steel by ItsHybrid
- vaenstep by vaen
- Step To Hell by LaZye
- Auroral Darkness by ViRuZ
- Solarion by ZephiroX
- Demonicat by f3lixsram
- Black Flag by Nekon
- Fabrication by KeiAs
- Ethereal Artifice by Zeroya
- Artificial Ascent by Viprin
- Effect II by MrSupremeGD
- Quantum Dynamix by GrenadeofTacos
- Future Chaos by neoraptor
- Luxtra by TheGalaxyCat
- Occult Outcry by Havok
- Aesthetic by SyQual
- Yuh by Lfritz
- Polygonal Paradox by Hypno
- Missing Benefits by TGI
- Mind Control by Deadlox
- Night Rider by LmAnubis
- The Hell Field by Stormfly
- Quantum Processing by Riot
- lodin da fish washer by KoKo43
- The Hell Zone by Stormfly
- Belloq by Sminx
- Glowy by Rob Buck
- Crystal by Zeronium
- Boogie by Digitalzero
- Quaoar by Flosia
- Rate Demon by RoiMousti
- Void Wave by Cherry Team
- Bausha Vortex by Pennutoh
- Spectrum Rave by Ryder
- Never Beat It by Metalface221
- Balengu Vortex by Temp
- Bass Cave by Bloodshot
- distraught by Alkali
- Sinister Incision by ItsHybrid
- Static Ignition by Magmeta
- Berserk by TrusTa
- Black Blizzard by KrmaL
- Auditory Breaker by LazerBlitz
- Ziroikabi by RoiMousti
- Pandemonium by Yakimaru
- SECTOR 19 by Sillow
- Hatred by AZuLer4
- Furious Flames by Failure444
- The Hell Inferno by Stormfly
- ErebuS by Platnuu
- Cadrega Mode by TCTeam
- Hyper Paradox by ItsHybrid
- CHROMA II by Renn241
- BuTiTi III by JonathanGD
- Ziroikapi by Kapinapi
- DMG CTRL by GhostVandalf
- Surge of Memories by TMNGaming
- Carcano by Asuith
- Astral Divinity by knobbelboy
- Surge of the Shield by Geo
- 2 1 1 by SrGuillester
- Dolos by Enzeux
- Glitched Memories by TCTeam
- Audio Expulsion by GoodSmile
- MONSTROSITY by Snarlax523
- Anoxysm by Lemons
- SubSonic by Viprin
- ikaros by Pavlaxan
- Mujigae by YGYoshI
- Betrayal of Destiny by Splash
- Shock Therapy by Arb
- i hate you by AlrexX
- Breakout Redux by Waivve
- The Hell World by Stormfly
- Low Death by KrmaL
- Athanatos by Exenity
- Anahita by Yuko
- Adrenaline by Wapon77
- Galactic Shift by TeamSmokeWeed
- SPEEDRUN by Kaito
- Kinetic Bypass by Sminx
- Shock Breaker by Spectex
- Endless Dream by DreamTide
- Infernal Abyss by swithi
- Fabricated Thoughts by MaxiKD
- RASH by loltad
- Ithacropolis by BIGMAC77
- Disentombed by YakobNugget
- TeaM Z by 99Percent
- MadMansion by GunnerBones
- Mystic by EndLevel
- SHATTER by efext
- The Hell Origin by Stormfly
- DARKENED by Bianox
- Advanced AirStream by Zekke
- EnvY by DanZmeN
- Carnage Mode by Findexi
- Removed Submission by WHErwin
- Asmodeus by Vexion
- Tenth Circle by DeniPol
- Fusion Z by PlebKingdom
- Untitled by iiLuna
- Falcon16 by LIEB
- Alpha Baa X by Failure444
- VendetTa by CFteamgd
- Dimension Breaker by Bianox
- Phobos by KrmaL
- Shibui by Xanii
- Sakupen Hell by TrusTa
- Dimensional Breaking by Dalfa
- Ancestral Calamity by MrSpaghetti
- Silentium Gradas by Stormfly
- Blade of Justice by Manix648
- Libertas by WOOGI1411
- Betrayal of Fate by weoweoteo
- Biohazard by Artumanka
- Artifice by f3lixsram
- Epsilon by Proxima
- Atmosphere by VoidSquad
- Bloodbath by Riot
- Monstercat by f3lixsram
- Glacial Torrent by Nell
- ElectroLux by Zafkiel
- Molten Mercury by ItsHybrid
- Under lavaland by N R G
- Hateful Reflection by Iris
- Ecstasy by SleyGD
- ATMarbl by Pennutoh
- Azure Fiesta by Dorami
- The Hell Bird by Havok
- Down Bass by Spectra
- Idols by Zafkiel
- Just DANCE by Texic
- Inflective by Mojitoz
- Conical Depression by KrmaL
- phosphorescent by LimeTime313
- Prismatic Haze by Cirtrax
- Tempest Tornado by Colorbolt
- Aurora by TheKris
- Arctic Arena by Eclipsed
- Artificial Ideology by Team N2
- A Bizarre Phantasm by Team N2
- The Hell Factory by Team N2
- Annihilation Nation by Zylenox
- Mirage by Golden
- Sigma Interface by Platnuu
- Extinction by Chom
- Esencia by Zafkiel
- WaveBreaker by Lemons
- Penultimate Phase by nwolc
- aftermath by Exenity
- INNARDS by Kaito
- GridLocked by Eclipsed
- Plasma Pulse III by Smokes
- Novalis by Gryllex
- Maybe Possibly Thing by iNubble
- N0 by Metalface221
- The Hell Dignity by Stormfly
- Triple Six by Zylenox
- Niflheim by Vismuth
- PanaSonic by TheShadowRealm
- A2Marbl by Golden
- limitless by Konsi
- The Antimatter by Bianox
- Marathon by weoweoteo
- Audio Extraction by GoodSmile
- Elite Z Rebirth by KrmaL
- Twisted Tranquility by Flukester
- Unearthed by YakobNugget
- Breakout by Surv
- Grill Kill by RoiMousti
- Concaved Memories by CairoX
- Elliptic Curve by Mulpan
- Heat Wave by Nico99
- Heartbeat by KrmaL
- Deception Dive by Rustam
- Skrrah by VirtualCrack
- The Flawless by IIIRyanIII
- Fexty by SkyJax
- Digital Disarray by Giron
- NecropoliX by Namtar
- Retention by WOOGI1411
- CholeriX by Shaggy23
- Alcatraz by Asuith
- Insaction by ByBoy 11
- Killerzone by Dorami
- Artificial Dream by ViRuZ
- Glide by crohn44
- Red World Rebirth by Riot
- Violently X by Dorami
- Incipient by Jenkins GD
- Cromulent by RelayX
- Exotic Energy by Ellisha
- Volume by Metalface221
- AcropoliX by SoulsTRK
- Matilda the Machine by Jeyzor
- SUBVERSIVE by Snowr33de
- Tech Manifestation by Pleoslim
- CYCLONE by Bianox
- The Lost Existence by JonathanGD
- UltraSans by PlebKingdom
- Raindance by Milos482
- Duelo Maestro by Nacho21
- Polish Alphabet by Patchimator
- Pumped Up Kicks by Quiken
- Zettabyte by Jenkins GD
- Sky tech by Giron
- Uprise by Blad3M
- Awakening Horus by Juhou
- Gammaray by stardust1971
- Allegiance by nikrodox
- night party by RLOL
- Instant Execution by Plexidit
- HyperSonic by Viprin
- Cataclysm by Ggb0y
- Cosmorush 21 by Pennutoh
- Underground by Keyblade
- Falling Up by KrmaL
- 8o X by f3lixsram
- Penombre by ZephiroX
- Grimoire Heart by CFteamgd
- Dark Rivalry by Flex
- Frizzantino Vibes by UserMatt18
- Electrosonic by CastriX
- Cosmic Calamity by SrGuillester
- Excessive Compliment by Pennutoh
- Superstrike by Lemons
- Doop by WormFodder
- Torrential Storm by xKstrol
- Arcadelocked by Tongii
- Es Dilar Nos by Mulpan
- The Ultimate Phase by Andromeda
- Destruction of God by RelayX
- Photovoltaic by Mazl
- After Catabath by Boy of the Cones
- Final Epilogue by Pennutoh
- Astronomical Alchemy by iSparki
- Dark RainBow Rebirth by knobbelboy
- ICE Carbon Diablo X by Roadbose
- Hydraulic Overdrive by Xyriak
- NecroDynamix by HelpegasuS
- Galaxy Breaker by Bianox
- Kurumi City by xnail
- Galatic Fragility by TeamSmokeWeed
- New Supersonic by CronosCrl
- Creeper Force by CreeperMILK
- Abandoned Kingdom by Sunix
- Future Circles by KeiAs
- Quest For Perfection by LazerBlitz
- Cyber Chaos by Hinds
- Temple of Destiny by DrakeGhast
- Clubstep Reborn by Boy of the Cones
- Spectral Tentation by DiscJoker
- Crimson Clutter by RedUniverse
- Demonic Bass by Miniman2098
- Asymmetry by WOOGI1411
- Rewind by Awzer
- Plasma Pulse II by Giron
- Elements X by Eiken
- Wander of Thought by Noriega
- Hate War by Stormfly
- The Secret Box by Metalface221
- Lunatic Doom Machine by SrGuillester
- Valor by KrmaL
- Night Terrors by Hinds
- Hyperio Technia by ML500
- Subterranean Animism by EricVanWilderman
- Pursuit by Shocksidian
- Ultraviolet by Viprin
- Wolfstep by RLOL
- Light Years by Smokes
- Geminorum by Feko9
- X Adventure by Pasiblitz
- Sparklic Ocean by Koreaqwer
- DeltaNova by RyanAB
- Necropolis by Neptune
- The JanuS Miracle by Megadere
- Catastrophic by TheOne21
- Sadism by Nox
- DoomsDay by ElectricBass
- lezicuv by Step4enko
- Entwined Room by MidNight