Geometry Dash Fan Wiki

Not to be confused with Poltergeist by LaZye or Poltergeist Reborn by ThePrimeEvil.

Insane WARNING: This level contains intense flashes and bright lights. If you have epilepsy or any other eye conditions, watching a video of this level is strictly advised against. Safety first!

Poltergeist by Andromeda


Poltergeist is a 1.9/2.1 solo Insane Demon created, hack-verified, and published by Andromeda. It is a difficult remake of Nine Circles. The level features notoriously random timings in the first half combined with really tight spaces and very awkward movements, but dramatically loses its difficulty in the second half of the level.


The level starts with a simple memory cube section with a few jumps and tricks. It is followed by a simple trivial ball section with a few saw blades and another cube sequence with some jump orbs. During a build-up transition before the drop, repeating blue pads are placed along with invisible size portals - the first evidence of a later update. The player then reaches two double spikes, signaling that the beat will drop. When the beat drops, the difficulty spikes, and the player enters one of the most notorious wave segments in the game. Played in triple speed, numerous awkward timings, tight spaces, and fakes are present.

The first segment is all about click-control and timing in tight spaces. It also requires sufficient straight-flying ability for the ship sequence that starts at 50%. Afterward, the player will enter a half-speed cube section with background text saying, "TAKE A BREAK." This part contains five sets of double spikes repeatedly, spontaneously appearing then slowly fading.

Following this is another wave segment, albeit easier than the first. This area has significantly larger spaces and a forgiving first half but has a troll-like ending, with a triple-speed mini-wave segment through multiple tight spaces.

The level ends with a trivial cube closure at normal speed with a giant "GG," and two last yellow orbs. The text saying "ANDRO" can be seen at the end with a quad speed quadruple spike jump.


  • You can skip the first yellow and first pink orbs in the 2nd cube section. It is possible to skip the half-speed portal at 60%. If the player manages to do this, they will eventually crash into a double spike.
  • Also at 60%, it is possible to skip the cube portal and half-speed portal.
  • There is a structural error, as shown in the picture provided. One of the slopes was misplaced, leaving an empty space behind.
  • At 92%, it is possible to skip the invisible spikes, and the player will be sent to one of the spikes.
  • It is possible to skip the straight fly segment, as shown in Nexus's re-completion video.


  • GuitarHeroStyles crashed at 89% and 91%.
  • SuperPizzaLuigi crashed at the beginning of the last cube section twice due to a bug above and gave up on the level due to it.
  • Easydream crashed at 95%.
  • Mosos crashed at 89%.
  • Emerald crashed twice to the break, and at 84%.


  • The level cannot be copied.
    • It was previously copyable.
  • The level contains 14,870 objects.
  • The level is 1m in length.
  • The level was buffed in March 2018.
    • Many people called the update "Cancergiest" because of the "cancerous" timings and other assorted buffs at the level's beginning.
    • The "THIS WILL BE RE-DECORATED SHUT UP" and "NICE DECORATION" messages at the start are most likely references to Poltergeist Reborn, or hints of a redecorated update in the near future.
    • In February 2019, the level was changed back to the original with a few bug-fixes.
  • It has the highest difference of difficulty between the beginning and the wave part.
  • The "take a break" part, a characteristic simple cube/ship among an infamously hard wave, was replicated in other unrated Nine Circles levels, like Planet Circles and Amity. This part was also used in an infamous mega-collaboration that Andromeda himself participated in, Phobos.
  • Because of its extreme difficulty, Andromeda had to hack to verify it.
    • They later re-beat the level without hacks.
  • Andromeda has made a harder remake called "Poltergeist Reborn" in collaboration with Pennutoh.
    • It was verified by ThePrimeEvil.
      • The level was finally rated on 12 June 2021, after being unrated for over 3.5 years.[1]
  • VoTcHi beat the buffed update legitimately after Andromeda.
  • In ghost-lore, a poltergeist is a type of ghost or spirit that is responsible for physical disturbances, such as loud noises and objects being moved or destroyed. They are purportedly capable of pinching, biting, hitting, and tripping people. Most accounts of poltergeists describe the movement or levitation of objects such as furniture and cutlery, or noises such as knocking on doors.[2]
  • It is Wavix's least favorite level in the game.[3]




Poltergeist DEMON by Andromeda (Me) Geometry Dash

A full walkthrough of the first version of Poltergeist. Credits to Andromeda.


Poltergeist Update (v1.5) New Gameplay Demo - Geometry Dash

A full walkthrough of the second version of Poltergeist. Credits to Andromeda.

