ViewSonic was a skilled American player and FPS bypass user in Geometry Dash. They had beaten numerous Extreme Demons such as Cognition, SARY NEVER CLEAR, Aronia, Cold Sweat, Renevant, The Rupture, Crimson Planet, and Ragnarok, with their hardest Demon being Kenos, completed on March 1, 2021. They also verified Molten Core, a solo Nine Circles Extreme Demon created by Janucha.
Unrated levels[]
- 0p1n10ns tw0
- csx100 challenge
- eggs deedee 2 - Their first level ever created.
- Electrosonic LDM - A Low Detail Mode version of ElectroSonic.
- Flamingo 2
- Flamingo 4
- How about 8
- make your clubstep
- make your emoji
- michael wade
- n
- pooopiop
- Rejoice 2
- View eeeee 3
- ViewSonic 2
Parts in collaborations[]
- Sinister Silence - An 8 minutes and 45 seconds-long mega-collaboration published by Wahffle and verified by DarkTD and wwdonut. It used to be the longest Extreme Demon in the game.
Top 10 hardest completed levels[]
This list consists of all their completed Extreme Demons on the Demonlist, ordered from the hardest to easiest as of December 17, 2023.
- They identify as non-binary.[1]
- They were the first victor of many levels, such as BuTiTi III, Spectrum Cyclone, and A2Marbl.
- They usually edited videos for others, such as nSwish, and make thumbnails for npesta and Technical.
- They had a compilation of their perfectly cut screams.[2]
- They attempted the Extreme Demon Roulette twice.[3][4]
- They crashed twice at 95% on Wasureta.[5]
- Their profile picture is Four from Battle for Dream Island.
- Only a month after it was rated, ViewSonic became the fourth victor of Cold Sweat.[6]
- On April Fools' Day 2021, ViewSonic's name on the Demonlist Stats Viewer was changed to "Monitor," and their hardest completion was set to SARY NEVER CLEAR.
- There had been confusion about their ethnicity and nationality, but ViewSonic has stated that they are of Cuban-Korean ethnicity and live in the United States.
- On March 31, 2021, they accidentally changed their in-game username to "ViewSoniv" instead of "ViewSonic."[7] It was fixed on April 7, 2021.[8]
- On April 22, 2021, a video titled "ViewSonic needs your help !" was uploaded to their channel. The video was made by SirHadoken and described ViewSonic's situation that their PC has "kicked the bucket," and "hardly any of it is salvageable." A link to ViewSonic's PayPal is in the description to help them raise enough money for a new PC so they can continue making content and doing schoolwork.
- Because of it, they had also been doing IRL streams using their phone, such as drawing streams, Q&A streams, etc.
- They had since saved enough money to build a new PC and streamed the building process on YouTube.
Molten Core VERIFIED !! (extreme demon)
The verification of Molten Core. Credits to ViewSonic.
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